If you’re self-employed, you know or are figuring out that being self-employed can make getting a mortgage can be difficult. Self-Employed borrowers sometimes have a multitude of income sources or companies making for a complicated tax return including tax write-offs. And different kinds of write-offs.
We can pre-qualify your loan scenario you jump through the hoops of filling out a full application and credit check. It’s yes of our years of experience pre-qualifying borrowers for portfolio lender programs and various Non-QM lender investor banks. We know what qualifying questions to ask per the criteria we discuss.
Developing the ability to “streamline” every kind of mortgage AUS system including Non-QM. Some of our Non-qm lenders offer this technology so we do too.
All mortgage websites provide general mortgage and real estate market information. Their focus is on selling you an interest rate. We are a different kind of web-based mortgage company. We are about mortgage loan programs, a unique information resource for unconventional mortgages and loans. An unorthodox information and mortgage service, an advanced mortgage resource as it pertains to the residential and commercial alternative real estate finance market.
We are an online mortgage website that offers real financial solutions. Not all loan products are for everybody, regardless of credit or credit score. There is so much more than a credit report that goes into qualifying a borrower for their right mortgage loan. We have a variety of loan options for your reference and utilization.
We connect Homeowners, Homebuyers, Lenders, Loan Officers, Brokers, lender representatives. If you are a consumer and you are in the market for a mortgage or you are an industry professional looking to close a file, we can provide superior service by connecting you with the right professional/professional organization. Options are good and that is what we are.
If there is a niche loan program out there, we have or will get it. We understand that there are people with excellent credit as well as those with less than perfect credit (“BCD credit”). So, we provide a variety of unconventional mortgages and loans. We can also work with you to get you to qualify. Within our network are lenders, lender representatives, brokers, and industry professionals alike.