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Portfolio Jumbo – Stated Income California

True Stated Income 2024 | Forms 4506-T and 4506-C Not Required

An alternative to the “bank statement loan” program for the well-qualified self-employed borrower. You could say this is an equity-based loan program in that the max LTV would be 75%. You could also call it a “portfolio loan” or “Non-QM” mortgage.

Self-Employed Home Loan Income and Employment Documentation

Stated Income / Verified Asset mortgage program for borrowers that own their own business. Business entity types: C corporation, S corporation, LLC, partnerships. Employment and income sections on application left blank; No Ratio Alt Doc. Submit your loan scenario for Loan Officer review. (credit check not required!)

Self-Employed Home Loan Income and Employment Documentation

Stated Income / Verified Asset mortgage program for borrowers that own their own business. Business entity types: C corporation, S corporation, LLC, partnerships. Employment and income sections on application left blank; No Ratio Alt Doc. Submit your loan scenario for Loan Officer review. (credit check not required!)

On a refinance transaction, the purpose of a program like this is to improve the borrower’s existing mortgage, Rate & Term refinance.

With a substantial down payment purchase or good equity-position refinance, excellent credit with liquid assets in the amount of at least 12 months housing expense reserves. It can be an alternative to a “bank statement loan” program for the well-qualified borrower.

* California Only

Acceptable Self Employment Proof of Ownership

* Business License

* Business Certificate

* CPA Letter verifying 2yrs+ ownership including % of ownership, etc.

* EA Letter verifying 2yrs+ ownership including % of ownership, etc.

* Description ‐ Business, Industry, and Borrower’s Title on 1003

Product Term: 7/1. Interest-Only payment is available.

Eligible Property Types:
* Single Family Residence SFR
* Condos
* 2-4 Units

Loan Amount / Credit Score / LTV Matrix

Credit ScoreLoan AmountLoan-to-ValueProperty Type
720$4,000,00090% LTVSingle Family Residence
700$3,500,00085% LTVSingle Family Residence
700$4,000,00080% LTVSingle Family Residence
700$5,000,00070% LTVSingle Family Residence

680 Credit Score
* $750,000 – 60% LTV

720 Credit Score
* $3,000,000 – 65% LTV
* $2,000,000 – 70% LTV
* $1,500,000 – 75% LTV

700 Credit Score
* $2,500,000 – 65% LTV
* $2,000,000 – 70% LTV
* $1,000,000 – 75% LTV

680 Credit Score
* $2,000,000 – 60% LTV
* $1,500,000 – 65% LTV
* $1,000,000 – 70% LTV

Reserves Requirements:

All Stated Income Loans require 12 Months P&I Principle & Interest cash reserves for each property financed. Exceptions are common with compensating factors.

Stated Income / Asset Based (whichever is higher):

Stated Income on 1003 (reasonable for job position/job title) or

Verified Assets including down payment + / 6 = Income

Employment Verification Documentation

W-2 Employee – VVOE Verbal Verification of Employment / Current Employment (1003 application) must show on credit report,

Underwriter Notes and Highlights
* Non-Owner-Occupied Investment OK
* 2-4 Units – OK
* Exception down to 700 Credit Score
* Loan Amounts to $2,500,000
* Loan Amount exceptions made to 15,000,000.
* Interest Only not available
* No 4506T not required.
* Tax returns not required.
* Paycheck stubs not required.
* 2-month Bank Statements
* Liquid assets from the business are OK if 100% ownership.
* DTI Max 45%
* Foreign Nationals OK
* 100% Gift funds OK and 60% Foreign National

Credit Notes:
* Previous housing payment history, 1 30-day late Maximum
* 3 open accounts on credit at minimum 1 year seasoned.

“Housing Event” Seasoning Requirements:
* Bankruptcy – 3 years
* Short Sale – 2 years
* Foreclosure – 5 years

Underwriter Notes:
* Exception down to 660 Credit Score
* Maximum loan amounts – $5,000,000. Loan amount exceptions made to 15,000,000
* Interest Only – Available
* No 4506-C Not Required
* Foreign Nationals OK
* 100% Gift Funds OK
* Maximum LTV 70% for Foreign National

Available in the Following States:


Reference # 123-34c52-100717

Alternative Income Documentation

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