Super Jumbo Hard Money Loan Program
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Stand-Alone Mortgage | Forms 4506-T and 4506-C Not Required
LTV – 70% to 75% depending on property location and property condition
Eligible Occupancies:
* Owner-Occupied (Business Purpose)
* Non-Owner Occupied
Eligible Property Types:
* Residential (SFR, 2-unit, 4-unit) & Commercial properties
Term – Short Term Bridge or longer-term loans No Prepayment Penalties
Credit Score – No FICO Minimums, No Tax Returns Required, and, in some cases, No Appraisal Required
Real Estate Investors – Multiple Properties Owned OK, use as Cross Collateral
This program is available in the following California counties: Sacramento CA, San Francisco CA, Los Angeles CA, San Diego CA, Orange CA, San Jose CA, and Marin CA.